
"If you don`t do your dance, who will" ? (Gabrielle Roth)



.. What you really want is more from life/-liness, suiting ressources, fullfilling potential, expanding life energy, inspiring charisma, lasting health and (for your work team) leading success?

..  You feel you can, but aren`t empowered or clear yet how to reach your personal potential, lead your staff as a multiplier, achieve suiting goals and maybe even rock (your) stage?

Hello, I am Johanna Botzkowski,  let me support you as your connecting hand and transforming mind for undiscovered, leading strength and fundamental change in your (and your company`s) life.

I help you creating a healthy change and radiating core success - through sensitive core coaching, mentoring your entrepreneural journey, motivating and creative programmes for healthy growth and integrative leadership coaching.

My speciality is that I approach your success on all 3 levels, Body- Mind and Soul. If suiting I blend our work with a deeply effective body treatment and movement training for freedom of choice and charisma.

Let my work enrich your company performance with extraordinary & joyful learning experiences and growth in process.

My expertise is authentic, successful communication, deep dive into supportive connection, inspiring team building and creative (self) leadership training. Facilitated through professional coaching & powerful impro & movement tools and - if you wish - being mirrored by horses.

I'm looking for leaders, corporate teams or individuals who like to grow and perform better (in health, team work, authentic success & intentional cocreation) AND who are interested in an integrative body-mind-soul approach, which is the original power for strength, happiness and connecting success.

Time of mindshift, 2022 leads you to invest in what really counts! Start today with one of my Programmes below- soon be the role model you desire! 

Watch my utube channel to get a feeling for my work.

Hallo, mein Name ist Johanna, ich arbeite kreativ als verbindende Hand und als transformativer Kopf. Live und Online. Auf Deutsch und Englisch.

Ich unterstütze Unternehmen und Privatmenschen dabei, Schritt für Schritt in Ihre Kraft und langfristig in tragenden, charismatischen Erfolg zu kommen.

Seit etwa 10 Jahren habe ich mich als aktive Trainerin für ganzheitliche Gesundheit selbstständig gemacht und bin heute als Projektmanagerin, als Dozentin für betriebliches Gesundheitsmanagement und als Trainerin für tragende, innere und äußere Kommunikation sowie für beherzt wirksame Veränderungsprozesse vielseitig im Einsatz.

Wir wollen oft viel- am Besten schnell- und gerne besser.
Krisen in der Welt, das Warten in der Einkaufsschlange und auch im Team auf der Arbeit- Wir bekommen zu häufig die Faust aufs Auge und wünschen uns doch ein Lächeln aufs Herz.

Doch von was brauch es heute mehr, um gemeinsam motiviert und entspannt Ziele zu erreichen und dabei als Einheit zu gewinnen?

Durch meine vielen Arbeitsreisen in unterschiedlichen Ländern habe ich erfahren...

Authentische Verbindung (im Innen und Außen) sowie wertschätzende Kommunikation sind ein wichtiger Schlüssel zum Glück. Daraus erwächst dann Selbstwirksamkeit und gesunde Führung.

Worauf wartest du!?

Mein Angebot für dich persönlich sowie für dein Team/ Belegschaft ist daher 'Body Mind Soul IQ' und 'Gesunde Führung'.

Dazu gebe ich kreative Einzeltrainings und außergewöhnliche Firmenseminare.

Eure Erfolge werden sich Schritt für Schritt sichtbar machen!

Für dich ist möglich: Komm in deine Kraft, lebe dein Potenzial, spüre dich, erlerne den Umgang mit Gefühlen und Blockaden, aktiviere deine Lebendigkeit, genieße mehr Lebensfreude, Selbstwirksamkeit, Selbstregulation und Charisma (neue Partnerschaften finden sich/ wohltuende Verbindungen werden möglich).

Für deine Belegschaft/ dein Team/ deine Gruppe ist möglich: Authentische Motivation, wertschätzende Kommunikation, neue Ressourcen, klare gemeinsame Ziele und tragende, magnetische Erfolge.

Das resoniert? Dann ruf mich an, stell alle deine Fragen, lass dich beraten oder du kennst mich schon, dann buche gleich eins meiner Seminare (live und online) direkt hier.

Ich freu mich auf dich!


My Offering - be the role model you desire.

`When I think back to our coaching sessions, I really enjoyed the awakening facilitated by you, as it showed seeds in the unconscious mind, which revealed itself later, when I was reflecting on what to do. I really appreciated your sensitivity, awareness and clear guidance.` Russell Kleintjies, Analyst/ Developer, Cape Town

.. For YOU, individual, group, organisation

My work is right for you..

  • in periods of growth, transition and change, decision, pain and crisis
  • asking for meta-mentoring and soft skills training
  • looking for (personal) growth, development and empowerment
  • wanting to be fit, healthy, happy, successful
  • wishing for more liveliness, clarity, ability to feel and creativity
  • desiring to live your true purpose
  • in the need of organisational and structural support
  • looking for help with (creative) project management
  • as a human being
  • as a business or organisation
  • as a NGO, school, collective or event
  • as a holiday maker, wellness lover and retreat-ler
  • for you and us, stepping out into the authentic way towards real core success.


The difference my clients see & feel

Most inspiring authenticity and integrity

The most striking thing about Johanna is her inspiring authenticity and integrity. I don’t think I have ever met someone so in-touch with themselves! I adored the enrichment I experienced from her novel movement-based exercises. It was evident that she has an impressive corpus of knowledge from her extensive experience in moving modalities. She also fostered a warm, welcoming, safe, nurturing environment for me to explore my body. Her love for movement, body-work and expression was inspiring! I can’t wait to work with her again.
Wepener van der Walt
Entrepreneural guide

Something different

Your work is so different and real, life changing, heartful and amazingly inspiring- Great special knowledge and so much positive energy!
Luvic Dubble
/ Private Tutor

Appreciate the inituition

Thanks for being so talented and intuitive. Your truth shines through and inspires us to achieve more.`
Mina Hollace
/ Freelancer

New perspective on life

Your sessions enabled me to let go and live my life from a healthy perspective. Thanks for all that powerful holistic knowledge you empowered me with.
/ Multimedia Admin

Money well-spent!

Wow, you do it with so much love, passion and care for the people. Everybody should spend their money for a real session like this instead of running to state paid offers with little effects.
/ Engineer

Very helpful

Wow, how comes I can move my arm with you again? My physiotherapist didn`t manage to help.
Madley Pondor
/ IT Specialist

Memorable life lessons

I love your words: You give up lots, to find more. You go travel to let yourself find. Through you, I am able to see and allow more happiness into my life.
/ Small Business Owner

Wow. Just Wow!

Wow. Just wow. Best massage I’ve ever had. And I’ve had a few dozens! Not only does Johanna completely take care of you individually, as your body needs it, she intuitively picks up on additional things that she then resolves. I felt so spaced out after my massage - in the absolute best way possible. Have already recommended her and will keep doing so. Biggest thank you 🙏😊♥️
Jennifer Schlüter
Online Business Entrepreneur

Communicate to connect

Your communication skills taught us how to truly connect. We feel like we solved a crucial core issue.
/ Project Manager

Sensitivity, awakening & seeds for growth

When I think back to our coaching sessions, I really enjoyed the awakening facilitated by you, as it showed seeds in the unconscious mind, which revealed itself later, when I was reflecting on what to do. I really appreciated your sensitivity, awareness and clear guidance.
Russell Kleintjies
Business Analyst/ Developer

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