Seminars & Workshops

Programmes, Retreats, Masterclass

Online & In-House


Hier eine Liste der Seminare und Trainings,
die ich 2022/2023 für deutsche Firmen gegeben habe.
Weitere fortlaufend.

Gerne fragen auch Sie mich als Trainerin an!

7 Tage Kurs Betriebliches Gesundheitsmanagement
Habmann Aufstiegsakademie
August 2024

7 Tage Kurs Coaching für die Führungskraft
Habmann Aufstiegsakademie
Juli 2024

2 Tage Privatfirmen Seminar
Erfolg mit Struktur und Balance
Manager Institut München
April 2024

Privater Abend- Kurs Betriebliches Gesundheitsmanagement
Clover Academy Basel
April 2024

Monatskurs Kommunikation und Konfliktmanagement
Institut für Management Berlin,
April 2024

2 Tage Privatfirmen Seminar
Die Führungskraft als Coach
Manager Institut München
April 2024

Monats-Kurs Betriebliches Gesundheitsmanagement
sowie Feelgood Management,
Institut für Management Berlin,
März, Mai, Juni, Oktober 2022
Januar, Februar, Mai, Juni, August 2023
Februar, März 2024

Monats- Kurs Modul 1 Systemisches Coaching
Institut für Management Berlin
Juli 2023

Monats- Kurs Leadership und Management,
Institut für Management Berlin
Oktober 2023

2 Tage Privatfirmen Seminar
Die Führungskraft als Coach
Manager Institut München
April 2024

2 Tage Privatfirmen Seminar
Erfolg durch Sozialkompetenzen und Persönlichkeitsentwicklung
Manager Institut München
Oktober 2023

2 Tage Privatfirmen Seminar
Emotionale Intelligenz
Manager Institut München
September 2023

2 Tage Privatfirmen Seminar
Moderation und Präsentation
Manager Institut München
November 2023

1 Tag Privatfirmen Seminar
Nonverbale Kommunikation
Oktober 2022

Retreat Tag mit Dass & Johanna Reflect- Play-Heal
Junghof Kappel
September 2023


Reflect – Play – Heal

Ein Tag mit Body Flow, Soul Work und Mind Power.


In der Natur und mit Tieren. Indoor und Outdoor.

30.09.23 ~ 9 bis 17h

 Bauernhof Junghof / gleich bei Freiburg

Begegne Dir selbst neu – tief, verspielt und einzigartig.

Forsche und ergründe dich im Reichtum deiner Ressourcen.

Kläre die nächsten Schritte für deinen Alltag.


Du darfst Dich auf ein Varieté aus Körper-Flow, Gruppen-Exploration, Klangarbeit und energetischer Heilung freuen

 – getragen und gespiegelt von unterschiedlichen Tieren und wilder, saftig grüner Natur.


Bewusst & tief

Berührend & überraschend 

Belebend, bewegend, kreativ & beherzt. 

Gemeinsam, heilsam, transformierend …

und ein bisschen verrückt 🙂


Willkommen zu

·       einem ganzen Tag mit uns indoor im Seminarraum UND

·       Outdoor auf dem kreativ-sinnlichen Bauernhof

·       In Kappel, bei Freiburg

·       Energieausgleich auf Wertschätzungsbasis: Idee 90-190


Lass dich überraschen, was in dir steckt!



Dass Piara Valerie: You Tube

Anmeldung und deine Fragen: 0160 2420314 (Johanna)



Und – Body Mind Soul IQ Maserclass 23 auf Deutsch!









neue Ressourcen dem Leben zu begegnen

Persönlichkeitswachstum & Selbstmanagement

zurück in dein authentisches Potenzial

wohltuende Veränderungen/ Transformation

tragende Gesundheit, kraftvolle Klarheit, inneren Frieden

sowie gesunde und bestärkende Beziehungen?!

Dann lass uns zusammenarbeiten, diese Masterclass könnte das sein, was du gerade suchst.



5 Module, 5 Wochenenden

– Buchung einzelner Module auf Anfrage –


Modul a : Selbsterkenntnis – Reflektions- Reise  & Soul Purpose Erforschung

Modul b : Befreiung von Schmerzen + Stress &
Release Techniken & Intuitive Medizin

Modul c : Erfahre deine ureigenen Qualitäten,
Focus, Rhythmus, Elemente & Prinzipien von Energiefluss

Modul d : Entdecke blockierende Body-Mind
Muster, reguliere negative Emotionen, Lerne befreiende Kommunikation

Module e : Quality of Healing Touch, finde deine
eigene Heilkraft



Praktische Tools und Übungen & wertvolles, langjährig erprobtes Wissen

3 Schritte Programm zurück in deine authentische Kraft

Neue Lebendigkeit & mehr Energie & Charisma

Wege in deine ganzheitliche Gesundheit

Kreative Möglichkeiten u. Ressourcen für die Herausforderungen des Lebens

Techniken für Selbstreflexion und Selbstregulierung

Resilienz Training, Embodiment, Positive Psychologie

Neuer Umgang mit Stress, Selbstmanagement und Selbstregulation

Mindset- Arbeit: Umgang mit negativen Emotionen u. blockierenden Gedankenschleifen

Fähigkeiten zur wertschätzenden Kommunikation

Autorität in Konflikten/Krisen

Quality of  Healing Touch, Authentisches Relating

Meditation, Atem und Achtsamkeit


Wissen aus Körpertherapie und Personal Training – für Empowerment und intuitive Medizin

Nutzen von (Selbst-)Coaching Techniken (systemisch, Body Mind, NLP)

Nutzen kreativer Arbeitsquellen wie Tanz, Bewegung, Musik u. (Role) Play



~ 70% kreative, praktische Arbeit

 ~ 10% Reflektions- und Sharing Kreise

~ 20% Präsentationen und Wissen

ð Macht 100% persönliches Wachstum



Cape Town, South Africa. Jan/Feb 23 (Cape Town, Jungle Garden Retreat), Link online oder
auf Anfrage, in English

Schwarzwald: März 23 (Hotel Schauinsland),

Freiburg und Berlin: April und Mai 23, Link kommt bald

Mallorca: Sep/ Okt 23 (Finca in Capdepera),


Das klingt irgendwie genau richtig? Super, ruf mich kurz an, dann klären wir alle deine Fragen. Ich freue mich auf dich.

Johanna +49/(0)160 2420314 (WhatsApp & Mobil)



Schau dir eins meiner Videos an, um ein Gefühl für meine Arbeit zu bekommen.



Liebe Johanna, ich möchte dir gerne ein differenziertes und sehr positives Feedback zu deinem Unterricht in „BGM” und „Kommunikation” geben. 

Deine Fähigkeit, komplexe Konzepte auf verständliche Weise zu erklären, hat mir sehr geholfen, die Themen „BGM“ und „Kommunikation” besser zu verstehen. Deine super freundliche, klare und strukturierte Herangehensweise hat es mir ermöglicht, die verschiedenen Aspekte beider Themen gut zu erfassen und zu verinnerlichen.

Besonders beeindruckt hat mich deine Fähigkeit, den Unterricht interaktiv zu gestalten. Durch die Einbindung von Diskussionen, Gruppenarbeiten und praktischen Übungen konnte ich das Gelernte direkt anwenden und dadurch ein tieferes Verständnis entwickeln. Deine offene und unterstützende Art hat eine positive Lernatmosphäre geschaffen, in der ich mich ermutigt fühlte, Fragen zu stellen und aktiv am Unterricht teilzunehmen.

Des Weiteren möchte ich deine umfangreiche Fachkenntnis hervorheben. Du hast es geschafft, die verschiedenen Theorien und Modelle anschaulich zu präsentieren und mit aktuellen Beispielen zu verknüpfen. Dadurch konnte ich die Relevanz des Themas für meinen Alltag und meine zukünftige berufliche Laufbahn erkennen.

Ein weiterer positiver Aspekt deines Unterrichts war die Vielfalt der Lernmaterialien, die du zur Verfügung gestellt hast. Die ergänzenden Texte und Videos haben mir geholfen, mein Wissen zu vertiefen und verschiedene Perspektiven zu betrachten. Zudem hast du uns regelmäßig Feedback zu unseren Leistungen gegeben, was mir ermöglichte, meine Fortschritte zu erkennen und gezielt an meinen Schwächen zu arbeiten.

Abschließend möchte ich betonen, dass dein Unterricht nicht nur informativ, sondern auch inspirierend war. Du hast uns ermutigt, unsere eigenen Kommunikationsfähigkeiten zu reflektieren und weiterzuentwickeln. Deine Leidenschaft für das Thema war deutlich spürbar und hat mich motiviert.

Vielen Dank für deine herausragende Arbeit als Dozentin, liebe Johanna. Dein Unterricht hat meine Erwartungen übertroffen und mich dazu inspiriert, mich weiterhin mit diesen spannenden Themen zu beschäftigen. Dagmar L., Seminarleiterin

„The most striking thing about Johanna is her inspiring authenticity and integrity. I don’t think I have ever met someone so in-touch with themselves! Ricky P., Manager for Landscape Architecture

I adored the enrichment I experienced from her novel movement-based exercises. It was evident that she has an impressive corpus of knowledge from her extensive experience in moving modalities. She also fostered a warm, welcoming, safe, nurturing environment for me to explore my body. Her love for movement, body-work and expression was inspiring! I can’t wait to work with her again.“ Wepener van der Walt, Artistic Manager

„Wow. Just wow. Best massage I’ve ever had. And I’ve had a few dozens! Not only does Johanna completely take care of you individually, as your body needs it, she intuitively picks up on additional things that she then resolves. I felt so spaced out after my massage – in the absolute best way possible. Have already recommended her and will keep doing so. Biggest thank you 🙏😊♥️“ Jennifer Schlüter, Mind Your Subconscious Coach

„When I think back to our coaching sessions, I really enjoyed the awakening facilitated by you, as it showed seeds in the unconscious mind, which revealed itself later, when I was reflecting on what to do. I really appreciated your sensitivity, awareness and clear guidance.“ Russel Kleintjes, Project Manager



Coaching & Training Packages - For Individuals & Corporates

All online and offline. Programme, Retreat, Masterclass, Workshop, Day Adventure, Talk or Lecture.
Book here directly, we will customize your outline.
3 Step Practical Coaching Programme - For your Life & Health & Business Core Success!




Lost yourself (in a role) or being stuck and desperate for finding back to yourself, walking `on-track` again?

You seem to achieved it all, but you miss living freely, you wish to live from your smart, inner voice again, connect to your true happiness?

Looking for fulfilling success, want to grow from your core potential, in line with your purpose?

Missing the courage to live after your true compass?

You simply wish to live a more conscious and healthy life?

Asking for more energy and magnetic charisma in your life?

You lack clarity of which (professional) life direction to choose?

You don`t want to continue anymore, need to find solutions for replacing burnout and depression and you are looking for rewarding success and happiness from deep inside – your life in flow quality.. YES!

Looking for guidance and mentoring to start or improve your entrepreneural life and to lift your success to the next level?

You need a plan and mentoring how to improve your business, set up your vision and clarify your goals, create time management, self leaderships skills, clear communication, rewarding relationships, working through limiting believe patterns and failure, simply to rise your performance and receive profound health, fulfilling happiness and rewarding success?

So, let’s get you started!

Start where you are, take what you’ve got. Change comes step by step. From small to big. One door opens, then the next. That`s the creational process. You are always ready and never not good enough yet to start as you never stop growing anyway! Start NOW shining and it will expand day by day. Everything starts with personal development.

For growing and walking new steps, entering the next level, we need to allow continuous challenges, let go of (unconscious) fears and belief patterns. We are asked to clean up, reflect back and connect with our core. A successful life wants us to continously establish new ressources, learn rewarding communication plus choosing profound clarity and maintaining focus.

It all starts with yourself. Choosing to live from your confidence and charismatic core potential versus your misleaded idea of build up identity. Create your reality in alignment with your inner voice, guided by your heart. You will understand how it all connects and receive key factors for transformation. Are you ready to step into the bliss of your mental, physical and spiritual health: Long lasting happiness and core success ahead?!

Jump on, to support you in your unique success process I created this integrative 3 Step Empowerment Programme – incuding coaching, mentoring and training, forming us on all levels- BODY, MIND, SOUL.

This Programme is made to provide you with a clear framework, through which I will professionally support your steps for your PERSONAL AND BUSINESS growth.

I will facilitate your individual process with certified systemic-solution orientated coaching techniques, international entrepreneural knowledge, socio-economical master studies and diverse business experience. I love to melt in my background of creative crossover tools from health coaching & training, improvisational play and conscious body-mind work. As an optional unique possibility, I assist your process being mirrored by horses.

  1. SOUL: Reflect and Return to who you are and what`s your core purpose? Setting the base for your break through
    • Detecting your underlying `golden` core values, your vision and authentic purpose
    • Understanding of core principals in life and how you can make them work for you: Conscious Awarness Training (law of attraction, positivity, timing, power of presence, letting go, embodiment, endless possibilities)
    • Receiving motivation and possibilities, the ultimate source to overcome stuck state
    • Expanding clarity, the base for your charisma and magnetic success
    • Lining out your true life- and business intentions, now aligned with your inner voice and routed in your core potential
  1. MIND: Choose, let go and focus! Lots of personal growth work. Deepen your break through
    • Detecting your (non-serving) belief patterns, applying meta perspective, establishing new angles and powerful possibilities (often the core for fast break through)
    • Softskills (making peace with your mind): emotional understanding and management, self love, forgiving, letting go, living from your heart, trusting in life & god
    • Self Leadership Skills (leading your mind): `smart` goal setting, time management, profound communication skills, understanding conflict, creating healthy and fullfilling relationships, working through failures, build up trust and courage

3. BODY/PHYSICAL REALITY: Embody your mission, bring it into reality. Create your success in alignment with your higher potential. Build your break through future.

    • Vision into practice: Business Strategy Outline, step by step
    • Create new ressources, learnings and skills
    • Mentoring your training for pushing through, increasing power and capacity
    • Health & Welfit routines: Strong back needs a strong core, anti stress management, mindfulness- breath & meditation, transfer from yoga & dynamic movement, body-mind and biokinetic training
    • Replacing burnout and depression with great success – expanding flow status!

Caution: You might receive this programme as provocative, direct, radical authentic, but thereby it`s loving, powerful, clear, straight, outgoing, creative, magnetic, truly conscious and immensively life changing.

Everything starts with personal development. You get what you give~send.

So, let’s get you started!

Works well in a package of 9 coaching-mentoring-training sessions a 90mins.

Single coaching session: 140€/ 90 mins or Package Price.

Please contact me for further information and to form your unique outline. Looking forward to get you shine and grow.

Coaching for Leaders Package - for Healthy & Motivated Team Performance!

.. You want to start a new way of leadership? Appreciative, healthy, rewarding and long lasting?

..  Your team seems stuck in performance, your intention is a core motivated, well connected team with flowing successful outcome?

Welcome to your magic support. In this package I combine the tools needed and suiting from my coaching into core success porgramme to get your team`s performance into transition towards core motivation.

We learn and practice succesful & appreciative communication, we train conflict & (self) leadership skills, create understanding & awareness for how to create rewarding realtionships and we receive anti stress tricks and techniques for a balanced body, mind and soul.

Interactive Learning Experiences, Creative Tools and Exercises, Management through Embodiment, together with powerful systemic solutions orientated and cross-over coaching tools we form the ultimate ground for successful team building and motivated team performance => your business success.

As a teacher in “Betrieblichem Gesundheitsmanagement”/ Health Management for Companies in Germany, as an entrepreneur of different events, projects and businesses concepts myself, with employments in managament and marketing positions, with my economic master studies background and as a passionate facilitator, trainer and coach for personal and business growth I AM RIGHT HERE TO SUPPORT YOU AND YOUR WORKING TEAM!

Benefit from my entrepreneural business knowledge, wide experience in various international fields. professional coaching & powerful creative embodiment tools and – if you wish – letting your (team`s) performance being mirrored by horses!

Deutsch or in English. Live or Online / via Zoom.

Please contact me to discuss your unique Outline.

Clients` Favorites

Massage Training: The Quality of Healing Touch Workshop

I offer `The Quality of Healing Touch & Massage` Workshops which are a blend of all the knowledge and tools I have from my various Body & Movement Therapy + Massage & Holistic Treatment certifications.

And I invite you to join my real time Massage Courses Online, live in Germany/ Freiburg and live in South Africa/ Cape Town.

Please contact me for further information.

I also offer a course for self massage techniques in which I will teach you effective grips to solve tensions of head and body pain, treat reflex points, meridian stretching exercises, knocking and other fascia and kineasiology techniques to let go of tension, pain and anxiety. You will receive immediate relaxation, energizing, release and re-balancing.

More infos on request.

Winter`s Special: Your unique South Africa Escape - Customized from my 8 years expertise.
You feel the need arising to explore South Africa, mother`s continent?!
And moreover you want to escape the cold winter in Germany?!

That`s what I do. I decided to make South Africa my second home since over 8 years now. So I live around Cape Town every German winter (when it`s summer there for about 3 – 6 months:).

So I like to offer you ´handmade`, customized experiences which are fully unique and all proven by me personally.

I chose the unknown, magical places, offers and outings, which are hidden gems and you only get to know those really by living in the country and being friends with the locals.

Reach out to me and I will sit with you, we have a nice coffe and you share what you like experiencing. Then I customize a tour for you, which is uniquly yours and can blow your mind as well as make your heart sing (the song of authentic Africa:).

´I can only say, South Africa is where my heart is. I feel in my full potential and extremely happy here. South Africa is vibrating natural and life energy, from inside out.

Come experience yourself!

What I did is, I collected all those unique experriences, places, tours, contacts and also (business) networks which I got to know throughout my South African 10 years of time and I will share them with you and GET YOU DEEPLY CONNECTED to the beauty of this country on all levels it has to offer!


Name me your favorite experiences and your ideal investment, I get you the perfect tour.


I will not only get the booking done for you, I will introduce you to South Africa`s dos and dont dos and get you comfortable with all needs and questions you have and which arise to take on this new adventure. So I will accompany you throughout the whole process, from the spark – to the organisation – pushing through doubts – getting light into your unknown and answering your questions- advicing you on all sorts of travel issues (flights, accomodation, insurance..) and then booking your unique trips experiences. I will also assist you when Im there / mostly Cape Town, if you have the same travel itinerary as I do.

And these are the most inspiring highlights people love to book with me:

  • Coastal Coaching Hikes for Personal Empowerment.
  • Snorkelling at untouched, hidden marine magical places
  • Natural Rock Pool swimming which are just Zen!
  • Photography Model Hikes n Tours
  • Exploring Cape Town`s Social Dancing Scene (Salsa, Bachata, Kizomba) on stunning Hotel rooftops and uplevel Pool Partys
  • Diving in the shark or kelp forest tank of Cape Town`s Aquarium
  • Jumping or Diving in-to the `Sardine Run`- being an arm length away from dolphins, seals, whales and the pumping marine life at this wolrd wonder happening (only once a year/ around June)
  • Visit exclusive beautifully Bars, Spas, Restaurants and Cofee Places around Cape Town. Meet the viby scenes.
  • Go on stunning wine estates to taste those delicious wines Cape Town and surroundings have to offer
  • Experience fire shows and outdoor dances around the luxurious beaches (Clifton) of Cape Town
  • Get to know where to find dolphins and whales just a doorstep away from your accomodation in Cape Town (I see and sometimes swim with them nearly regular some times, best experienced month so far was december).
  • Join tantric connection getaways, special body-mind-soul retreats and festivals and holistic welfit events
  • Be intorduced to viby and beautifully in nature located organic or food markets
  • Dance your nights off with African Beats.
  • Learn to surf and/or get advices on the best spots around Cape Town`s nearby coasts
  • Join a stunning beach outride with horse, do overnight horse tracks in the most beautiful countryside and sleep over in local villages, expereince coaching with horse..
  • Go sailing around Cape Town`s Yacht harbours and celebrate the magnifique sunsets in one of the Yacht Clubs or rent a yacht in Plettenberg Bay, which belongs to the Jewels of the coastal Garden Route,
  • Get with my personal hiking guides some of the best hikes in Cape Town has to offer and travel a bit further for the 22 waterfalls or steep climbs the surroundings have to offer
  • Meet Townships and learn about South Africa`s history by local people and their tour companies, which I know personally and I feel they are doing such important work. Also ask me for social, eco or animal volontary projects if that`s on your wishlist.
  • Braii with the African locals from Uganda and … in their stunning villas in Champs Bay
  • Fullmoon and star gazing offers
  • Hidden caves and beaches, deep down at the cape peninsula
  • There is always another addon in this list as South Africa is now my second home and I will not stop exploring ever. I love to share this BEAUTY and ALIVELINESS with you. I want to inspire you to your deepest core. My friends call me their personal event manager. YES! to our next connecting journeys. You can speak to me like to a friend, so let`s get this rolling….

By joining you will be exposed to beauty you might never experienced in your life before. Beauty from Nature, but also from People, the Ocean and these cultural or artistic offers which just get you to want more and learn deeper or develop new skills and persepctives for your life.

Get in touch with me now to sit and have coffe, creating your unique experience!

Horse Assisted Coaching: Groups, Individual Sessions, Special Day Out, Family Bonding
Start with a little video as an insight into
my Team Coaching Work with Horses here (just click)!

I am a certified horse assisted systemic coach and I offer

COACHING WITH HORSES – Individual Coaching or Group Sessions

In Germany (Berlin and Freiburg) and South Africa (Cape Town and Garden Route)

I specialised to support you finding guidance, resilience, strength and new resources by getting `mirrored` by the horses around the topics:

Management of Stress as well as difficulties with decision making and finding purpose

Healthy leadership skills and rewarding relationships in work and everyday life

The experience with horses is truly authentic, they bring hidden blocking patterns or programmes to the surface. The work with horses also often gets booked as a wonderful day out or as a team building experience as well as a family bonding adventure.

.. Grow and expand in extraordinary ways.


Since 2022 I am also a member of the network `Pferdeschule` in Germany.

You would like to know if it`s for you? Please find my specific offer and read all infos about my Coaching with Horses here (please click)

Just whatsapp me on +49 160 2420314 for all further information and to start `tomorrow` 🙂 !

No pre experience required.

All other formats like Weekend Getaways, Day Workshops and Retreats are nearly always up and running. Just contact me for current dates please. Thank you.

Happened already: 2021 in South Africa (Garden Route) EMBODIMENT WITH HORSES DAY WS

Happened already: 2021 in South Africa (near Hermanus) CONNECT & DISCOVER WEEKEND GETAWAY WITH HORSES

Are you interested in self leadership skills and you also feel pulled to horses?

Maybe you also wonder about supportive answers to this new time ahead?

Do you wish to connect more and discover new skills which make you grow personally and be better in what you do, work, partner or just life related?

Then this retreat is right for you! We designed a horse assisted weekend time for you, to connect and discover and to radiate from your core purpose.

Let us guide you through many creative and systemic coaching tools and let our horses mirror your personal quest and discovery process. You will self-reflect, do inspiring partnerwork, memorable group exercise with movement and joyful arts and deeply rewarding ground work with the horses (it`s connecting sessions with the horse from the ground, riding can be booked additionally).

Gifts for your courage are:
* tune in with yourself and the heartbeat of the horses
* gain self-leadership skills
* prepare for the year ahead, the time of mindshift
* enjoy beautiful nature & a magical night sky
* nurturing holistic communication & connection skills
* choose body-mind-soul resilience
* connect with forgotten strength and be led by the power of the heart

Price, food, accomodation:

Your investment is R3.500 pp, including full board fresh meals and camping facilities (bring your own tent). Price options available on request. We are happy to help with Airbnb/ Guesthouse options, there is some nice and affordable ones nearby!

Optionally you can add to your experience on-site deeply restoring massages/ bodywork and further coaching with lining out your future steps for a radiant 2021!

We are looking forward welcoming you!

And what did participants say of our first retreat?!
`A very special experience in all ways with beautiful people. Lots of connection, warmth and movement!`Dr. Kirsten Neke
`I will definetly recommend this retreats to some friends, I had unexcpected deep insights and it was meaningful and fun!` Dr. Sanja Lutzeyer

Impressions of the WEEKEND GETAWAY, enjoy..

Body Mind Soul - IQ: Masterclass & Retreat

A blend of all my knowledge and techniques and my 2022 best offer. All information on top of this side. Please scroll up. 


You can start any time. Either as sessions (live or online or you get the right timing for an UPCOMING LIVE RETREAT, either in Germany or South Africa – please just send a request, meaning call me:). Looking forward to empower you.

Get in contact to evaluate if this is exactly right for you: +49 160 2420314 (whatsapp and calls).

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