Holistic Life & Health Coaching: Body and Mind Success and Happiness

Holistic Life & Health Coaching: Body and Mind Success and Happiness

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Happening on triathletics: Body, Mind, Soul. Systemic solution orientated and NLP coaching education together with a big pool of holistic body mind transformational tools form the basis of this work.

Stop stagnation, burnout and negativity now! Melt back into your healthy success formula, for you & your company.

.. Break through into your (team`s) happiness, powerful wellbeing and deep purpose- create inspiring success! I help you from a bird perspective. Let`s fly😊

Who are you (as a company) and who do you want to be? How can your team move forward? Understand how YOU declare success and what YOU want from life/ business. Get decisions done, melt through anxiety and crisis, find your driving motivation, form targets and activate ressources.

Discover the core principles of your holistic health, happiness and connection: Create your authentic storyline – live your (company`s) life in inspiring success.

– For Individuals, Groups, Students or Corporates. It`s all about finding back to the core principles and healthy growth structures of your private and company`s success (health, wealth, happiness).

You get:

Holistic Life & Health Coaching (Personal Development, Body-Mind-Soul- Wellbeing, Resilience, Deepening Relationships, Overcome Stuck States, Selfrealisation, Creative Softskills Training, Authentic Success and Happiness)

Profession & Purpose Coaching (Who are YOU, what do YOU want from life and your profession + career, how do YOU declare success, what possibilities do YOU have, how to strucuture- decide and process- activate ressources/ form solutions, how to apply Idea Management and creative Design Thinking, which softskills do I need, how to grow into who I am and want to be?)

Break Through Coaching (All the above, for your specific topic, individual or company. Challenges in your team/ company, Growth wanted towards driving motivation and efficency, Support needed in Certain Life Periods, First Aid- Depressed and alone?)

By discovering the underlaying core issues, by getting to know tools to change your (team`s) repressing mind programmes and by understanding your body behavioural patterns plus emotional systems, you can change your (company`s) life.

If suitable we prepare an action plan for you, how to achieve your (company`s) targets, step by step.

Healthy Success and Authentic Happiness
Selfrealisation & Personal Development
Living your Joyful Purpose
Breaking through Stuck State
Holistic Support in Crisis & Life Decisions
Living Connection and Real Growth (inner and outer)

These qualifications form the base of my work

• Mind-orientated coaching methods (Certified in: Systemic Solution Orientated-, Landmark Forum-, NLP- Coaching. Eg tools like meta perspective, detecting repressing mind programmes, positive affirmations, communication skills, timeline, role games, creative idea management, theatre and dance improvisation. Share my expertise and experience)
• Body-orientated coaching tools (Certified in: Body Mind Coaching, Hands On/ Manual Resistance, Emotional and Fascia Release Work, Dance Pedagogy, Relaxation Tools (progressive muscle relaxation, visualisation/ trance work, body scan, feldenkrais), Therapeutic Yoga Work, Breathing Techniques (from yoga, kinesiology, dance, bodywork, middenhoff method)
• Holistic Body Therapy and Dance Pedagogy (many certifications, see under `Massage and Body Therapy`)
• Creative and improvisational movement and voice work as a tool for expression, connection and personal empowerment (see examples under `the Techniques I use`)
• Creative Idea Management to discover your (heart) core, personal values, authentic interests .. for real inner and outer empowerment
• Certified Personal Fitness Trainer and Nutrition/ Health Consultant

For who?

Individuals – Groups – Young Professionals & Job Seekers – Companys & Organisations

♦ Health, Social, Creative Arts, Culture, Sports, Tourism, Education, Staff & Team

♥ Development, Communication, Resilience, Expressive Embodiment, Wellbeing, Authentic Success & Management

You wish for a more powerful acting self or company body? You miss on life or company decisions? You need Personal or Team Development? ..Stuck-state and overview needed? ..Looking for better Performance? ..Missing how to find the right targets or profession? ..Want to increase your fitness, health or life joy? ..Just need support and guidance? ..Want to step out, find and create your authentic growth? ..Looking for purpose? ..Interested in the relationship between you and you your body, how about the right training, nutrition and so on? ..Keen on self presentation training, non verbal communication and self awareness? Need more health, success or a break through?

If you find yourself above and your heart, body or mind says yes, then you are right here.

→ Please contact me for further information and to design the outline for your individual need.


Check What`s on for currently running offers, retreats, seminars, workshops.




For Groups, Organisations, Corporates

Positive Psychologie & Kommunikationstraining
Mindfulness and Body Awareness
Meaningfulness and Spirituality
Therapeutic Movement Training
Living deep Connection (inner and outer)
Creative Life and Health Skills Training

Fitness and Health/ PT & Dance/ Holistic Prevention

Special Personal Training: Physical Health from Inside to Outside (Body-Mind Connection; Deep Functional Training/ Getting in Shape; Increase of Life Energy)

Dance Tech Training: For Dancers who want to own, understand and know movement

Powerful Body Awareness Training: For Movers who want to upgrade and improve their (daily) training success & For Speakers, Artists who are looking for more persuasive power, charisma and winning embodiment

High Intensity Deep Work Training for Groups/ Fitness Studios (super prevention effects like physio therapy; combines functional training, martial arts, dance, breath and yoga)

High Intensity Ballet Rip Training for Groups/ Fitness Studios (super prevention effects like physio therapy; combines functional training, fascia workout, dance and spiral dynamics of the body structure)

Massage Training Workshops & Selfexploration Workshops

Prices on request.


  • Terms and conditions: A cancellation, which is under 24 hours within the arranged appointment or session with me, unfortunately has to be paid in full price. Many thanks for your understanding.
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